Motion to approve Recommend the City Council adopt a Negative Declaration and approve the project, subject to conditions with the following changes:
1. Applicant to pay outstanding sewer connection fees.
2. South stairwell may be modified from current design.
3. Parking lot shade trees to be a minimum of 36-inch box sizes with preference of 42-inch or 48-inch sizes where possible. Existing Olive Trees may remain in parking lot.
4. Chapter 11 of Municipal Code Noise ordinance to be enforced and can only be modified upon approval at a public hearing.
5. Limited outdoor amplification to be from 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM.
6. Guitar/instruments and DJ’s are permissible on weekends and shall not exceed decibels of the City Noise Ordinance. Patrons should be able to conduct normal conversations while entertainment is occurring.
7. Recommend the Council accept Applicant’s payment on outstanding balance of Economic Development Focus Incentive Areas Program Grant issued for the property improvements.*
*The last item (#7) is not in the conditions, but staff will work with the applicant, where legally possible, to accept payment on the outstanding balance for the grant funds previously awarded to the prior operator.
Moved by Vice-Chair Weremiuk, seconded by Commissioner Middleton.