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Chair Donenfeld called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
The agenda was available for public access at the City Hall exterior bulletin board (west side of Council Chamber) and the Planning Services counter by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 20, 2012.
Chair Donenfeld reported that Item 2D, Case TTM 36446, Museum Market Plaza, is being withdrawn for consideration today.
The agenda was unanimously accepted, as amended.
Commissioner Munger left the Council Chamber at 1:38 p.m.
Chair Donenfeld opened public comments:
-Paul Onufer, representing Arroyo Vista Partners, (spoke in reference to Item 1A/Palermo project, requested approval to allow the temporary access improvements.
-Travis Armstrong, president, Palermo HOA (in reference to Item 1A) stated that the temporary road does not have any safety or access problems and commented on the financial hardship that's been incurred on the homeowners association.
-Debby Hamilton, treasurer, Palermo HOA, (spoke in reference to Item 1A) expressed support for the temporary road improvements and their need for the financial income from the rental units.
-Tom Dozci, TKD Landscape Architects, (spoke in reference to Item 1A), was available for questions from the Commission pertaining to the proposed wall, fencing and landscaping plans.
-Jody Berk, (spoke in reference to Item 2A), expressed concern about the limited parking for the proposed 32-room hotel.
-Alfie Pettit, Palermo resident, (spoke in reference to Item 1A) expressed support of the proposed changes requested for Item 1A.
There being no further appearances public comments was closed.
1A. Case 5.1029 PD 315 - A request by Arroyo Vista Partners, LLC, for minor amendments to the previously approved Palermo Mixed Use Development located at the northeast corner of Indian Canyon Drive and San Rafael Drive, Zone PD 315, Section 35. (Project Planner: Edward Robertson, Principal Planner) (Cont'd from the meeting of September 12, 2012.)
Edward Robertson, Principal Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated September 26, 2012.
The Commission requested clarification and/or commented on:
-The type of material proposed for the fencing and permanent wall.
-The Fire Department's safety requirements for the temporary road.
-Consideration of fencing to include plant material to provide privacy and security.
Vice Chair Hudson spoke in support of allowing the temporary road (with minor repairs) to remain in its current condition.
Commissioner Weremuick expressed concern with the temporary road not meeting the minimum fire safety standards.
Commissioner Roberts noted that the temporary road is a secondary access and suggested filling the potholes and cleaning up the street.
Chair Donenfeld expressed concern making a decision without having feedback from the Fire Department to address the fire safety issues of the temporary road.
Motion to Approve To approve, as follows:
-Modify the phasing plan.
-Modify the wall and fencing plans.
-Require that the installation of the roadway be brought up to permanent standards.
-To return to the Architectural Advisory Committee for final landscape review. Moved by Kathy Weremiuk, seconded by Chair Donenfeld.
Vote to Approve To approve, as follows:
-Modify the phasing plan.
-Modify the wall and fencing plans.
-Require that the installation of the roadway be brought up to permanent standards.
-To return to the Architectural Advisory Committee for final landscape review. (Declined)
Fire Chief Ventura arrived to address questions from the Commission. He responded that a minimum of 20 feet is required for a temporary road and that it supports the wieght of the fire trucks.
Commissioner Klatchko spoke in favor of granting relief and not requiring complete build-out (curbs and gutter) of the temporary road. Vice Chair Hudson concurred with Commissioner Klatchko.
Motion to That the Planning Commission approve the proposed phasing plans and the conversion of the six model units, subject to the conditions of approval, as amended:
-To install the permanent road in front of the six-unit model homes, as previously conditioned.
-The remainder of the temporary road to be brought up to a 20 foot wide minimum standards and accomodate the weight of fire safety apparatus.
-The landscape in front of the temporary fencing shall be able to withstand the high winds and block the view into the property. Moved by Lyn Calerdine, seconded by Kathy Weremiuk.
Vote to To approve the proposed phasing plans and the conversion of the six model units, subject to the conditions of approval, as amended:
-The temporary road to be brought up and maintained at current minimum temporary standards.
-The landscape plans shall return to Planning staff to ensure street side provides for full privacy and durability as temporary fencing. (Declined)
Motion to To approve the proposed phasing plans and the conversion of the six model units, subject to the conditions of approval, as amended:
-The temporary road to be brought up and maintained at current minimum temporary standards.
-The landscape plans shall return to Planning staff to ensure street side provides for full privacy and durability as temporary fencing. Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Philip Klatchko.
Vote to That the Planning Commission approve the proposed phasing plans and the conversion of the six model units, subject to the conditions of approval, as amended:
-To install the permanent road in front of the six-unit model homes, as previously conditioned.
-The remainder of the temporary road to be brought up to a 20 foot wide minimum standards and accomodate the weight of fire safety apparatus.
-The landscape in front of the temporary fencing shall be able to withstand the high winds and block the view into the property. (Approved)
Commissioner Munger re-entered the Council Chamber at 2:30 p.m.
1B. Case 5.0856 CUP - A request by Freeway Development, LLC, for a one-year time extension for a previously approved Conditional Use Permit for a 65-unit hotel with two drive-thru restaurants located at 610 West Garnet Avenue, Zone M-1-P, Section 15. (Project Planner, Glenn Mlaker, AICP, Assistant Planner)
Glenn Mlaker, Assistant Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated September 26, 2012.
The Commission commented and/or requested clarification on the:
-The large number of time extensions since its original approval in 2001.
-The economic feasibility of the project during the past eleven years.
Planner Mlaker explained that if there is a change to the design of the building the architectural review would come before the Commission.
Motion to Approve To approve a one-year time extension for Conditional Use Permit 5.0856 CUP from August 13, 2012 to August 12, 2013, as amended:
-No further time extensions to be allowed beyond one year. Moved by Kathy Weremiuk. The motion did not receive a second and was lost.
The Commission directed staff to communicate to the applicant their concern with the length of time that has elapsed since the original date of approval and if another extension is requested the project will be subject for review.
-The long period that has elapsed since the original entitlement.
-The economic feasibility of the project until the completion of the major reconstruction of the I-10 off-ramps.
-Limit the time extension to only for one year.
-Staff to communicate to the applicant the Planning Commission concerns with the length of time that has elapsed since the orignal approval and if another extension is requested in one year the project is subject to review.
Chair Donenfeld suggested the topic of continual time extensions could be further discussed at a study session.
Motion to That the Planning Commission approve a one-year time extension from August 13, 1012 to August 12, 2013.
Moved by Leslie Munger, seconded by Philip Klatchko.
Vote to That the Planning Commission approve a one-year time extension from August 13, 1012 to August 12, 2013.
A recess was taken at 2:44 pm.
The meeting reconvened at 2:50 pm.
2A. Case 5.1284 PDD 360 A preliminary and final Planned Development District (PDD) application seeking approval for a 32-room hotel with accessory restaurant and retail uses, parking and landscaping on a roughly 1.27 acre lot at1551 North Palm Canyon Drive; Zone C-1 / R-3, Resort Combining Zone. (Ken Lyon, Associate Planner).
Motion to To continue to a date certain of Wednesday,October 10, 2012. Moved by Chair Donenfeld, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to To continue to a date certain of Wednesday,October 10, 2012. (Approved)
2B. Case 5.1160 PDD 341 AMND B / TPM 35989 (Vivante Palm Springs) - An amendment by O & M Tahquitz, LLC (Nexus Development) to a previously approved Planned Development District to allow a 132-unit assisted living facility and three commercial buildings on a 10-acre site located at the northwest corner of Tahquitz Canyon Way and Hermosa Drive in Section 14. (Project Planner: David A. Newell, Associate Planner).
Mr. Newell noted a correction in the agenda and staff report and provided history of the proposed project.
Chair Donenfeld opened the public hearing:
-Corey Adler, president, Nexus Development, addressed questions from the Commission pertaining to the proposed changes, zoning, phasing, parking and landscaping. Mr. Adler spoke about the lack of quality of senior housing in the city and provided an overview of the high-end quality features that will be incorporated in the project.
There being no further appearances the public hearing was closed.
Mr. Adler addressed the proposed parking on the site, the purpose of the indoor pool (the extreme high temperatures) and market studies in the community. He further addressed the interim landscaping, phasing plan and construction of the retail spaces.
Commissioner Weremiuk commented on the benefits of this type of housing, however, expressed concern with the parking and location of hotel land adjacent to the Convention Center.
Vice Chair Hudson made the following suggestions on the architecture design of the project:
1. The parking space on the south facing the units (the western portion) are too close in proximity to the residential units.
2. Maintain the cohesiveness of the building architecture for the retail units.
3. The pedestrian sideways could be brighten up by using more decorative paving and more landscaping particularly toward the entry that crosses
the drive aisle.
4. The northeast vehicle entrance to include a pedestrian access gate.
5. Re-enforce pedestrian activity along Tahquitz Canyon Way.
Commissioner Roberts spoke in favor of the retail conponent that can be used by the other hotels and the Convention Center, however, expressed concern with too much parking.
Commissioner Munger encouraged a canopy/carport structure for the parking spaces.
Chair Donenfeld noted his initial concerns of hotel development along Tahquitz Canyon Way, however, addressed the city's need for quality senior housing and expressed support of the project.
Commissioner Calerdine noted the increase need for this type of facility in the city and encouraged the developer to maintain the site as attractive as possible during the interim process.
Motion to To approve the amendment as prepared and recommend approval to the City Council, as amended:
a. Modify the large parking area to reduce its vast appearance through additional landscape and/or reconfiguration of buildings.
b. Submit a plan showing first phase of development without the commercial component.
c. The commercial component of the project shall be in substantial conformance to the approved Preliminary Development Plans.
d. Enlarge the landscape area between the parking stalls and assisted living facility at the southwesterly corner of building.
e. Provide a pedestrian walkway and access gate at the northeasterly corner of property.
f. Enlarge the pedestrian walkways internally. Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Kathy Weremiuk.
Vote to To approve the amendment as prepared and recommend approval to the City Council, as amended:
a. Modify the large parking area to reduce its vast appearance through additional landscape and/or reconfiguration of buildings.
b. Submit a plan showing first phase of development without the commercial component.
c. The commercial component of the project shall be in substantial conformance to the approved Preliminary Development Plans.
d. Enlarge the landscape area between the parking stalls and assisted living facility at the southwesterly corner of building.
e. Provide a pedestrian walkway and access gate at the northeasterly corner of property.
f. Enlarge the pedestrian walkways internally. (Approved)
2C. Case 5.1202-B - An application by the City of Palm Springs to amend the Palm Springs Zoning Code relating to portable open signs in commercial areas of the City. (Craig A. Ewing, AICP, Director of Planning Services)
Chair Donenfeld opened the public hearing and with no appearances coming forward the public hearing was closed.
Motion to Approve To adopt the resolution and recommend a four-year term to the City Council. Moved by Lyn Calerdine. The motion did not receive a second and was lost.
Commissioner Klatchko expressed concern with enforcement issues of A-frame signs and does not see it as an enhancement esthetically as a planning perspective.
Commissioner Weremiuk commented that a moderately up-scale business would not allow these signs and were initially allowed during a tough economic time during the past 4 years.
Motion to Approve To adopt the resolution and recommend to the City Council a two-year extension on the Portable Open Signs. Moved by Leslie Munger, seconded by J.R. Roberts.
Vote to Approve To adopt the resolution and recommend to the City Council a two-year extension on the Portable Open Signs. (Approved)
2D. Case TTM 36446 - An application by Wessman Development for Tentative Tract Map 36446 to subdivide the Museum Market Plaza of approximately 13.57 acres into 17 parcels for future development and 4 lots for public infrastructure. A Specific Plan was previously adopted for the site. (Project Planner: Edward Robertson)
Commissioner Klatchko noted his absention due to a business-related conflict of interest.
Motion to To continue the hearing to an indefinite date. Moved by Chair Donenfeld, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to To continue the hearing to an indefinite date. (Approved)
The Commission commented on the following items:
1. A request for full scale plans and color pictures for major projects to be provided to the Commission.
2. Thanked staff and enforcement for removal of the double-sign at the shopping center on Sunrise Way and Vista Chino.
The Commission discussed the City Council meeting scheduled for October 3, 2012 to discuss the Museum Market Plaza.
Commissioner Munger commented that she would be out of town on October 3rd.
There being no further comments the Planning Commission adjourned at 4:45 p.m. to Wednesday, October 10, 2012, at 1:30 p.m., City Hall, Council Chamber, 3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way.
Sep 26, 2012 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Chair Donenfeld called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
The agenda was available for public access at the City Hall exterior bulletin board (west side of Council Chamber) and the Planning Services counter by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 20, 2012.
Chair Donenfeld reported that Item 2D, Case TTM 36446, Museum Market Plaza, is being withdrawn for consideration today.
The agenda was unanimously accepted, as amended.
Commissioner Munger left the Council Chamber at 1:38 p.m.
Chair Donenfeld opened public comments:
-Paul Onufer, representing Arroyo Vista Partners, (spoke in reference to Item 1A/Palermo project, requested approval to allow the temporary access improvements.
-Travis Armstrong, president, Palermo HOA (in reference to Item 1A) stated that the temporary road does not have any safety or access problems and commented on the financial hardship that's been incurred on the homeowners association.
-Debby Hamilton, treasurer, Palermo HOA, (spoke in reference to Item 1A) expressed support for the temporary road improvements and their need for the financial income from the rental units.
-Tom Dozci, TKD Landscape Architects, (spoke in reference to Item 1A), was available for questions from the Commission pertaining to the proposed wall, fencing and landscaping plans.
-Jody Berk, (spoke in reference to Item 2A), expressed concern about the limited parking for the proposed 32-room hotel.
-Alfie Pettit, Palermo resident, (spoke in reference to Item 1A) expressed support of the proposed changes requested for Item 1A.
There being no further appearances public comments was closed.
1A. Case 5.1029 PD 315 - A request by Arroyo Vista Partners, LLC, for minor amendments to the previously approved Palermo Mixed Use Development located at the northeast corner of Indian Canyon Drive and San Rafael Drive, Zone PD 315, Section 35. (Project Planner: Edward Robertson, Principal Planner) (Cont'd from the meeting of September 12, 2012.)
Edward Robertson, Principal Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated September 26, 2012.
The Commission requested clarification and/or commented on:
-The type of material proposed for the fencing and permanent wall.
-The Fire Department's safety requirements for the temporary road.
-Consideration of fencing to include plant material to provide privacy and security.
Vice Chair Hudson spoke in support of allowing the temporary road (with minor repairs) to remain in its current condition.
Commissioner Weremuick expressed concern with the temporary road not meeting the minimum fire safety standards.
Commissioner Roberts noted that the temporary road is a secondary access and suggested filling the potholes and cleaning up the street.
Chair Donenfeld expressed concern making a decision without having feedback from the Fire Department to address the fire safety issues of the temporary road.
Motion to Approve To approve, as follows:
-Modify the phasing plan.
-Modify the wall and fencing plans.
-Require that the installation of the roadway be brought up to permanent standards.
-To return to the Architectural Advisory Committee for final landscape review. Moved by Kathy Weremiuk, seconded by Chair Donenfeld.
Vote to Approve To approve, as follows:
-Modify the phasing plan.
-Modify the wall and fencing plans.
-Require that the installation of the roadway be brought up to permanent standards.
-To return to the Architectural Advisory Committee for final landscape review. (Declined)
Fire Chief Ventura arrived to address questions from the Commission. He responded that a minimum of 20 feet is required for a temporary road and that it supports the wieght of the fire trucks.
Commissioner Klatchko spoke in favor of granting relief and not requiring complete build-out (curbs and gutter) of the temporary road. Vice Chair Hudson concurred with Commissioner Klatchko.
Motion to That the Planning Commission approve the proposed phasing plans and the conversion of the six model units, subject to the conditions of approval, as amended:
-To install the permanent road in front of the six-unit model homes, as previously conditioned.
-The remainder of the temporary road to be brought up to a 20 foot wide minimum standards and accomodate the weight of fire safety apparatus.
-The landscape in front of the temporary fencing shall be able to withstand the high winds and block the view into the property. Moved by Lyn Calerdine, seconded by Kathy Weremiuk.
Vote to To approve the proposed phasing plans and the conversion of the six model units, subject to the conditions of approval, as amended:
-The temporary road to be brought up and maintained at current minimum temporary standards.
-The landscape plans shall return to Planning staff to ensure street side provides for full privacy and durability as temporary fencing. (Declined)
Motion to To approve the proposed phasing plans and the conversion of the six model units, subject to the conditions of approval, as amended:
-The temporary road to be brought up and maintained at current minimum temporary standards.
-The landscape plans shall return to Planning staff to ensure street side provides for full privacy and durability as temporary fencing. Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Philip Klatchko.
Vote to That the Planning Commission approve the proposed phasing plans and the conversion of the six model units, subject to the conditions of approval, as amended:
-To install the permanent road in front of the six-unit model homes, as previously conditioned.
-The remainder of the temporary road to be brought up to a 20 foot wide minimum standards and accomodate the weight of fire safety apparatus.
-The landscape in front of the temporary fencing shall be able to withstand the high winds and block the view into the property. (Approved)
Commissioner Munger re-entered the Council Chamber at 2:30 p.m.
1B. Case 5.0856 CUP - A request by Freeway Development, LLC, for a one-year time extension for a previously approved Conditional Use Permit for a 65-unit hotel with two drive-thru restaurants located at 610 West Garnet Avenue, Zone M-1-P, Section 15. (Project Planner, Glenn Mlaker, AICP, Assistant Planner)
Glenn Mlaker, Assistant Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated September 26, 2012.
The Commission commented and/or requested clarification on the:
-The large number of time extensions since its original approval in 2001.
-The economic feasibility of the project during the past eleven years.
Planner Mlaker explained that if there is a change to the design of the building the architectural review would come before the Commission.
Motion to Approve To approve a one-year time extension for Conditional Use Permit 5.0856 CUP from August 13, 2012 to August 12, 2013, as amended:
-No further time extensions to be allowed beyond one year. Moved by Kathy Weremiuk. The motion did not receive a second and was lost.
The Commission directed staff to communicate to the applicant their concern with the length of time that has elapsed since the original date of approval and if another extension is requested the project will be subject for review.
-The long period that has elapsed since the original entitlement.
-The economic feasibility of the project until the completion of the major reconstruction of the I-10 off-ramps.
-Limit the time extension to only for one year.
-Staff to communicate to the applicant the Planning Commission concerns with the length of time that has elapsed since the orignal approval and if another extension is requested in one year the project is subject to review.
Chair Donenfeld suggested the topic of continual time extensions could be further discussed at a study session.
Motion to That the Planning Commission approve a one-year time extension from August 13, 1012 to August 12, 2013.
Moved by Leslie Munger, seconded by Philip Klatchko.
Vote to That the Planning Commission approve a one-year time extension from August 13, 1012 to August 12, 2013.
A recess was taken at 2:44 pm.
The meeting reconvened at 2:50 pm.
2A. Case 5.1284 PDD 360 A preliminary and final Planned Development District (PDD) application seeking approval for a 32-room hotel with accessory restaurant and retail uses, parking and landscaping on a roughly 1.27 acre lot at1551 North Palm Canyon Drive; Zone C-1 / R-3, Resort Combining Zone. (Ken Lyon, Associate Planner).
Motion to To continue to a date certain of Wednesday,October 10, 2012. Moved by Chair Donenfeld, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to To continue to a date certain of Wednesday,October 10, 2012. (Approved)
2B. Case 5.1160 PDD 341 AMND B / TPM 35989 (Vivante Palm Springs) - An amendment by O & M Tahquitz, LLC (Nexus Development) to a previously approved Planned Development District to allow a 132-unit assisted living facility and three commercial buildings on a 10-acre site located at the northwest corner of Tahquitz Canyon Way and Hermosa Drive in Section 14. (Project Planner: David A. Newell, Associate Planner).
Mr. Newell noted a correction in the agenda and staff report and provided history of the proposed project.
Chair Donenfeld opened the public hearing:
-Corey Adler, president, Nexus Development, addressed questions from the Commission pertaining to the proposed changes, zoning, phasing, parking and landscaping. Mr. Adler spoke about the lack of quality of senior housing in the city and provided an overview of the high-end quality features that will be incorporated in the project.
There being no further appearances the public hearing was closed.
Mr. Adler addressed the proposed parking on the site, the purpose of the indoor pool (the extreme high temperatures) and market studies in the community. He further addressed the interim landscaping, phasing plan and construction of the retail spaces.
Commissioner Weremiuk commented on the benefits of this type of housing, however, expressed concern with the parking and location of hotel land adjacent to the Convention Center.
Vice Chair Hudson made the following suggestions on the architecture design of the project:
1. The parking space on the south facing the units (the western portion) are too close in proximity to the residential units.
2. Maintain the cohesiveness of the building architecture for the retail units.
3. The pedestrian sideways could be brighten up by using more decorative paving and more landscaping particularly toward the entry that crosses
the drive aisle.
4. The northeast vehicle entrance to include a pedestrian access gate.
5. Re-enforce pedestrian activity along Tahquitz Canyon Way.
Commissioner Roberts spoke in favor of the retail conponent that can be used by the other hotels and the Convention Center, however, expressed concern with too much parking.
Commissioner Munger encouraged a canopy/carport structure for the parking spaces.
Chair Donenfeld noted his initial concerns of hotel development along Tahquitz Canyon Way, however, addressed the city's need for quality senior housing and expressed support of the project.
Commissioner Calerdine noted the increase need for this type of facility in the city and encouraged the developer to maintain the site as attractive as possible during the interim process.
Motion to To approve the amendment as prepared and recommend approval to the City Council, as amended:
a. Modify the large parking area to reduce its vast appearance through additional landscape and/or reconfiguration of buildings.
b. Submit a plan showing first phase of development without the commercial component.
c. The commercial component of the project shall be in substantial conformance to the approved Preliminary Development Plans.
d. Enlarge the landscape area between the parking stalls and assisted living facility at the southwesterly corner of building.
e. Provide a pedestrian walkway and access gate at the northeasterly corner of property.
f. Enlarge the pedestrian walkways internally. Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Kathy Weremiuk.
Vote to To approve the amendment as prepared and recommend approval to the City Council, as amended:
a. Modify the large parking area to reduce its vast appearance through additional landscape and/or reconfiguration of buildings.
b. Submit a plan showing first phase of development without the commercial component.
c. The commercial component of the project shall be in substantial conformance to the approved Preliminary Development Plans.
d. Enlarge the landscape area between the parking stalls and assisted living facility at the southwesterly corner of building.
e. Provide a pedestrian walkway and access gate at the northeasterly corner of property.
f. Enlarge the pedestrian walkways internally. (Approved)
2C. Case 5.1202-B - An application by the City of Palm Springs to amend the Palm Springs Zoning Code relating to portable open signs in commercial areas of the City. (Craig A. Ewing, AICP, Director of Planning Services)
Chair Donenfeld opened the public hearing and with no appearances coming forward the public hearing was closed.
Motion to Approve To adopt the resolution and recommend a four-year term to the City Council. Moved by Lyn Calerdine. The motion did not receive a second and was lost.
Commissioner Klatchko expressed concern with enforcement issues of A-frame signs and does not see it as an enhancement esthetically as a planning perspective.
Commissioner Weremiuk commented that a moderately up-scale business would not allow these signs and were initially allowed during a tough economic time during the past 4 years.
Motion to Approve To adopt the resolution and recommend to the City Council a two-year extension on the Portable Open Signs. Moved by Leslie Munger, seconded by J.R. Roberts.
Vote to Approve To adopt the resolution and recommend to the City Council a two-year extension on the Portable Open Signs. (Approved)
2D. Case TTM 36446 - An application by Wessman Development for Tentative Tract Map 36446 to subdivide the Museum Market Plaza of approximately 13.57 acres into 17 parcels for future development and 4 lots for public infrastructure. A Specific Plan was previously adopted for the site. (Project Planner: Edward Robertson)
Commissioner Klatchko noted his absention due to a business-related conflict of interest.
Motion to To continue the hearing to an indefinite date. Moved by Chair Donenfeld, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to To continue the hearing to an indefinite date. (Approved)
The Commission commented on the following items:
1. A request for full scale plans and color pictures for major projects to be provided to the Commission.
2. Thanked staff and enforcement for removal of the double-sign at the shopping center on Sunrise Way and Vista Chino.
The Commission discussed the City Council meeting scheduled for October 3, 2012 to discuss the Museum Market Plaza.
Commissioner Munger commented that she would be out of town on October 3rd.
There being no further comments the Planning Commission adjourned at 4:45 p.m. to Wednesday, October 10, 2012, at 1:30 p.m., City Hall, Council Chamber, 3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way.
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