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Chair Donenfeld called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
Roll Call: 6 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
The agenda was available for public access at the City Hall exterior bulletin board (west side of Council Chamber) and the Planning Services counter by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 8, 2012. A posting of this Agenda can be found on the City’s website at:
The agenda was approved, as presented.
Chair Donenfeld opened public comments; and with no appearances coming forward public comments was closed.
Motion to To approve Items 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and 1E, as part of the Consent Calendar with a minor amendment to the minutes of February 22, 2012. Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Vice Chair Hudson.
Vote to To approve Items 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and 1E, as part of the Consent Calendar with a minor amendment to the minutes of February 22, 2012. (Approved)
1A. Minutes of February 22, 2012.
Approved, as amended.
1B. Case 5.1269 CUP - Resolution of denial for a proposed convenience store by Lend Lease (representing 7-Eleven) at 611 South Palm Canyon Drive. (Project Planner: David A. Newell, Associate Planner)
Approved, as part of the Consent Calendar.
1C. Case Eng. R11-015 - A request by the City of Palm Springs to vacate an existing 20 feet Golf Course Easement Purposes within Lots 1 thru 55 of Tract 2808 adjoining Lakeside Drive, Pebble Beach and Cherry Hills Drive at the Tahquitz Creek Golf Course. (Project Engineer, Marcus Fuller, Assistant City Engineer)
Approved, as part of the Consent Calendar.
1D. Case 3.3543 SFR - An application for a 3,675-square foot single family residence on an approximately 18,513-square foot lot located at 707 Milagro Place. Zone R-1-B, Section 35, Canyon Park Specific Plan (SP-1) "Estancias Tract". (Project Planner: Ken Lyon, Associate Planner)
Approved, as part of the Consent Calendar.
1E. Case 3.3544 SFR - An application for a 3,515-square foot single family residence on an approximately 19,493-square foot lot at 379 Bella Cara Way. Zone R-1-B, Section 35; Canyon Park Specific Plan (SP-1) in the Estancias Tract. (Project Planner: Ken Lyon, Associate Planner)
Approved, as part of the Consent Calendar.
2A. Case 5.0881 PD 269 Final PD AMEND - A request by Alta Verde Sereno, LLC, to amend previously approved Final Development plans for 60 proposed single-family residences within the Monte Sereno Planned Development located at 1040 Bogert Trail, Zone W-R-1-B / PD-269, Section 35. (Project Planner: David A. Newell, Associate Planner)
David A. Newell, Associate Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated March 14, 2012.
Vice Chair Hudson noted that he attended the AAC meeting when this project was presented and it was very well received.
Staff provided clarification on the limited purpose of the ad-hoc subcommittee that was created for review of this project only.
Motion to To approve the proposed amendment to the Final Development Plans of Planned Development District 269, Case 5.0881, subject to the previous Conditions of Approval. Moved by Vice Chair Hudson, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to To approve the proposed amendment to the Final Development Plans of Planned Development District 269, Case 5.0881, subject to the previous Conditions of Approval. (Approved)
3A. Case 5.1275 CZ / 7.1239 AMM / TPM 36438 - An application by Wessman Holdings, for a change of zone (CZ) from C1AA (Large Scale Retail Commercial) to C1 (Retail Business) and a parcel map waiver to reconfigure two existing lots. The application includes an Administrative Minor Modification (AMM) for a five (5) foot reduction in setbacks along Tahquitz Canyon Way. The 1.38 acre parcel map is located at the northeast corner of Tahquitz Canyon Way and Sunrise Way. Section 13; APNs 502-065-018 and 502-065-008. (Project Planner: Ken Lyon, Associate Planner)
Ken Lyon, Associate Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated March 14, 2012.
Chair Donenfeld opened the public hearing:
-John Wessman, applicant, (responded to questions from the Commission), provided background history on the easement that was originally recorded in 1976, the CC&R’s and on-site parking.
No further appearances coming forward the public hearing was closed.
Motion to -To adopt the Negative Declaration pursuant to the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and
-To approve the Administrative Minor Modification Case 7.1369; and
-To approve Tentative Parcel Map Waiver 36438, an application to reconfigure two lots that comprise a roughly 1.38 acre parcel:
And furthermore, that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council:
-To Adopt the Negative Declaration pursuant to the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and
-To approve the Change of Zone request for parcel APN’s 502-065-008 and 502-065 -018 from C1-AA to C-1, subject to the attached conditions of approval; and
-Pior to finalization of the Parcel Map Waiver, the applicant is to provide to the City a copy of the cross-easements for parking and access and a copy of the CC&R’s for both parcels. Moved by Philip Klatchko, seconded by Chair Donenfeld.
Vote to -To adopt the Negative Declaration pursuant to the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and
-To approve the Administrative Minor Modification Case 7.1369; and
-To approve Tentative Parcel Map Waiver 36438, an application to reconfigure two lots that comprise a roughly 1.38 acre parcel:
And furthermore, that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council:
-To Adopt the Negative Declaration pursuant to the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and
-To approve the Change of Zone request for parcel APN’s 502-065-008 and 502-065 -018 from C1-AA to C-1, subject to the attached conditions of approval; and
-Pior to finalization of the Parcel Map Waiver, the applicant is to provide to the City a copy of the cross-easements for parking and access and a copy of the CC&R’s for both parcels. (Approved)
Commissioner Klatchko commented that he was pleased to hear about the AAC’s willingness to participate in the ad-hoc subcommittee and assist staff in reviewing the final landscape plans.
Commissioner Munger brought up the idea of creating guidelines for AAC review of decomposed granite - including the installation and maintenance. Director Ewing responded that an expert on granite stone would need to be called in to provide further information to the Commission.
Commissioner Conrad noted that she would not be present for the March 28th Planning Commission meeting.
Director Ewing noted that the appeal period will begin today for the 7-Eleven resolution of denial and Case 5.1275 Change of Zone will be forwarded to the City Council for reivew.
Director Ewing reported that the City Council will be interviewing Planning Commission candidates later this week.
There being no further comments the Planning Commission adjourned at 2:04 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 28, 2012, City Hall, Council Chamber, 3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way.
Mar 14, 2012 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Chair Donenfeld called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
Roll Call: 6 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
The agenda was available for public access at the City Hall exterior bulletin board (west side of Council Chamber) and the Planning Services counter by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 8, 2012. A posting of this Agenda can be found on the City’s website at:
The agenda was approved, as presented.
Chair Donenfeld opened public comments; and with no appearances coming forward public comments was closed.
Motion to To approve Items 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and 1E, as part of the Consent Calendar with a minor amendment to the minutes of February 22, 2012. Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Vice Chair Hudson.
Vote to To approve Items 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and 1E, as part of the Consent Calendar with a minor amendment to the minutes of February 22, 2012. (Approved)
1A. Minutes of February 22, 2012.
Approved, as amended.
1B. Case 5.1269 CUP - Resolution of denial for a proposed convenience store by Lend Lease (representing 7-Eleven) at 611 South Palm Canyon Drive. (Project Planner: David A. Newell, Associate Planner)
Approved, as part of the Consent Calendar.
1C. Case Eng. R11-015 - A request by the City of Palm Springs to vacate an existing 20 feet Golf Course Easement Purposes within Lots 1 thru 55 of Tract 2808 adjoining Lakeside Drive, Pebble Beach and Cherry Hills Drive at the Tahquitz Creek Golf Course. (Project Engineer, Marcus Fuller, Assistant City Engineer)
Approved, as part of the Consent Calendar.
1D. Case 3.3543 SFR - An application for a 3,675-square foot single family residence on an approximately 18,513-square foot lot located at 707 Milagro Place. Zone R-1-B, Section 35, Canyon Park Specific Plan (SP-1) "Estancias Tract". (Project Planner: Ken Lyon, Associate Planner)
Approved, as part of the Consent Calendar.
1E. Case 3.3544 SFR - An application for a 3,515-square foot single family residence on an approximately 19,493-square foot lot at 379 Bella Cara Way. Zone R-1-B, Section 35; Canyon Park Specific Plan (SP-1) in the Estancias Tract. (Project Planner: Ken Lyon, Associate Planner)
Approved, as part of the Consent Calendar.
2A. Case 5.0881 PD 269 Final PD AMEND - A request by Alta Verde Sereno, LLC, to amend previously approved Final Development plans for 60 proposed single-family residences within the Monte Sereno Planned Development located at 1040 Bogert Trail, Zone W-R-1-B / PD-269, Section 35. (Project Planner: David A. Newell, Associate Planner)
David A. Newell, Associate Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated March 14, 2012.
Vice Chair Hudson noted that he attended the AAC meeting when this project was presented and it was very well received.
Staff provided clarification on the limited purpose of the ad-hoc subcommittee that was created for review of this project only.
Motion to To approve the proposed amendment to the Final Development Plans of Planned Development District 269, Case 5.0881, subject to the previous Conditions of Approval. Moved by Vice Chair Hudson, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to To approve the proposed amendment to the Final Development Plans of Planned Development District 269, Case 5.0881, subject to the previous Conditions of Approval. (Approved)
3A. Case 5.1275 CZ / 7.1239 AMM / TPM 36438 - An application by Wessman Holdings, for a change of zone (CZ) from C1AA (Large Scale Retail Commercial) to C1 (Retail Business) and a parcel map waiver to reconfigure two existing lots. The application includes an Administrative Minor Modification (AMM) for a five (5) foot reduction in setbacks along Tahquitz Canyon Way. The 1.38 acre parcel map is located at the northeast corner of Tahquitz Canyon Way and Sunrise Way. Section 13; APNs 502-065-018 and 502-065-008. (Project Planner: Ken Lyon, Associate Planner)
Ken Lyon, Associate Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated March 14, 2012.
Chair Donenfeld opened the public hearing:
-John Wessman, applicant, (responded to questions from the Commission), provided background history on the easement that was originally recorded in 1976, the CC&R’s and on-site parking.
No further appearances coming forward the public hearing was closed.
Motion to -To adopt the Negative Declaration pursuant to the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and
-To approve the Administrative Minor Modification Case 7.1369; and
-To approve Tentative Parcel Map Waiver 36438, an application to reconfigure two lots that comprise a roughly 1.38 acre parcel:
And furthermore, that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council:
-To Adopt the Negative Declaration pursuant to the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and
-To approve the Change of Zone request for parcel APN’s 502-065-008 and 502-065 -018 from C1-AA to C-1, subject to the attached conditions of approval; and
-Pior to finalization of the Parcel Map Waiver, the applicant is to provide to the City a copy of the cross-easements for parking and access and a copy of the CC&R’s for both parcels. Moved by Philip Klatchko, seconded by Chair Donenfeld.
Vote to -To adopt the Negative Declaration pursuant to the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and
-To approve the Administrative Minor Modification Case 7.1369; and
-To approve Tentative Parcel Map Waiver 36438, an application to reconfigure two lots that comprise a roughly 1.38 acre parcel:
And furthermore, that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council:
-To Adopt the Negative Declaration pursuant to the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and
-To approve the Change of Zone request for parcel APN’s 502-065-008 and 502-065 -018 from C1-AA to C-1, subject to the attached conditions of approval; and
-Pior to finalization of the Parcel Map Waiver, the applicant is to provide to the City a copy of the cross-easements for parking and access and a copy of the CC&R’s for both parcels. (Approved)
Commissioner Klatchko commented that he was pleased to hear about the AAC’s willingness to participate in the ad-hoc subcommittee and assist staff in reviewing the final landscape plans.
Commissioner Munger brought up the idea of creating guidelines for AAC review of decomposed granite - including the installation and maintenance. Director Ewing responded that an expert on granite stone would need to be called in to provide further information to the Commission.
Commissioner Conrad noted that she would not be present for the March 28th Planning Commission meeting.
Director Ewing noted that the appeal period will begin today for the 7-Eleven resolution of denial and Case 5.1275 Change of Zone will be forwarded to the City Council for reivew.
Director Ewing reported that the City Council will be interviewing Planning Commission candidates later this week.
There being no further comments the Planning Commission adjourned at 2:04 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 28, 2012, City Hall, Council Chamber, 3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way.
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