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Chair Donenfeld called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
Roll Call: 6 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
The agenda was available for public access at the City Hall exterior bulletin board (west side of Council Chamber) and the Planning Services counter by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 5, 2012. A posting of this Agenda was also posed on the City’s website at:
The agenda was accepted, as presented.
Chair Donenfeld opened public comments:
-Jerrold Thompson, pastor, Hope Community Seventh-Day Adventist Church, commented that he and his colleagues are working closely with the Inland Congregation United for Change (ICUC) to review zoning regulations pertaining to religious institutions and requested further dialogue with the Commission.
-Chris Courtney, spoke in reference to Item 2B, explained that the applicant no longer owns the property and requested deletion of condition of approval #32 and #33 pertaining to the requirement to the undergrounding of overhead utilities.
-John Daglia, representing Rite Aid Corporation, explained that illuminated signs #6 and# 7 are directional and will provide customers accessibility to the pick-up window.
There being no further appearances public comments was closed.
1A. Minutes of December 14, 2011.
Motion to To approve minutes of December 14, 2011. Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to To approve minutes of December 14, 2011. (Approved)
1B. Case 5.1160 AMND PDD 341 / TPM 35989 AMND - Resolution of denial of an amendment to PDD 341 "Vivante" assisted living facility.
Motion to To adopt the resolution of denial. Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to To adopt the resolution of denial. (Approved)
2A. Case SP 10-006 AMEND - A request by Rite Aid for a sign program amendment to allow additional accessory and directional signage for the pharmacy building located at 111 South Sunrise Way, Zone RA, Section 14. (Project Planner: David A. Newell, Associate Planner)
David A. Newell, Associate Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated January 11, 2012.
Vice Chair Hudson spoke in opposition of the excessive size and illumination of sign nos. 6 and 7.
Commissioner Conrad commented that the signs are excessive in size in comparison to the massing of the building; and noted that she would consider a compromise for additional directional, illuminated signage if a reduction in the existing large signs is made.
Commissioner Roberts concurred with the Commission and suggested a reduction in size and non-illumination for the directional signage.
Vice Chair Hudon and Commissioner Munger expressed a preference for sign no. 7 to be changed to a pole-mounted sign and relocated to the Tahquitz Canyon Way entryway.
Commissioner Klatchko commented that he is not necessarily oppossed to illumination of the signs.
Commissioner Munger noted the "temporary" appearance of sign no. 10 and expressed a preference for a more permanent sign.
Motion to To continue to a date certain of February 8, 2012, to allow the applicant to address concerns from the Commission and make changes to the sign program amendment. Moved by Tracy Conrad, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to To continue to a date certain of February 8, 2012, to allow the applicant to address concerns from the Commission and make changes to the sign program amendment. (Approved)
2B. PDD 267-TM 31525 - A request by K. Hovnanian Companies to waive obligations to perform utility undergrounding as required by the Municipal Code and approved conditions of approval for the Four Seasons Development within Tract 31525 located at the East side of Sunrise Way and Whitewater Wash, Zone PD 267, Section 36. (Edward O. Robertson, Principal Planner)
Edward O. Robertson, Principal Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated January 11, 2012.
Marcus Fuller, Assistant Director of Public Works, provided background information on the conditions of approval for Tentative Tract Map 31525; noting that the City reduced the development standards (increased density) to facilitate their proposed development.
Commissioner Klatchko commented on the developer’s trade-off to allow for more density for the required open-space.
Motion to To deny the request to waive the applicant’s obligations to perform utility undergrounding at the Four Seasons Development within Tract 31525. Moved by Leslie Munger, seconded by Tracy Conrad.
Vote to To deny the request to waive the applicant’s obligations to perform utility undergrounding at the Four Seasons Development within Tract 31525. (Approved)
3A. Case 5.1255 CUP AMEND - A request by Desert Sun Center / The Center for an amendment to an existing Conditional Use Permit to change the day and hours of operation for the existing food bank and distribution facility at 610 South Belardo Road, Zone PD-77, Section 22. (Project Planner: David A. Newell, Associate Planner)
David A. Newell, Associate Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated January 11, 2012.
Chairman Donenfeld opened the public hearing:
-John O’Conner, executive director, commented that a total 12,729 people were served in 2011 with grocery supplies; noting that poverty and unemployment have greatly affected the need in the community. He commented that they are acting on a request from the Canyons HOA and Historic Tennis Club to change the distribution day to provide less disruption to the neighborhood.
-Steve Seger, program & operations manager, provided an overview on the day-to-day management and operation of the distribution facility.
-Kathy Adams, The Canyons HOA, president, spoke about the disruptive behavior of the people that gather on Sunday mornings. She requested reconsideration of this site for the distribution center.
-Frank Tysen, Historic Tennis Club Neighborhood Organization, chairman, expressed concern that the 6 month performance review that was imposed on the distrubtion center and was never conducted and commented on the numerous complaints that have been received.
-John O’Conner, spoke about their committment to improve the operation of the distribution center.
There being no further appearances the public hearing was closed.
The Commission commented and/or discussed:
-The late hours of operation would be inconvenient for seniors and disabled persons;
-Additional lighting may be required for food distrubtion during the evening hours;
-The traffic impact resulting from construction of the Belardo Bridge project;
-Distrubtion of food supplies by appointment during the afternoon hours;
-Managing the large crowds, traffic, noise and loitering;
-Distrubtion of food supplies in a two-day process to help alleviate the congestion and limit to the afternoon hours;
Associate Planner Newell clarified that a 6-month review was not imposed by the City Council.
Commissioner Klathcko spoke in favor of allowing the applicant to make the changes and follow-up with a 90-day review.
Vice Chair Hudson noted that the adjacent tenants and landlord would be opposed to the afternoon hours and spoke in favor of splitting up the distribution into two days with a 90 day review.
Motion to To approve the amendment to the Conditional Use Permit to change the day and hours of operation from Sunday mornings between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. to Thursday evenings between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.; and to conduct a public hearing to open the Conditional Use Permit and review in 3 months. Moved by Philip Klatchko, seconded by Tracy Conrad.
Vote to To approve the amendment to the Conditional Use Permit to change the day and hours of operation from Sunday mornings between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. to Thursday evenings between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.; and to conduct a public hearing to open the Conditional Use Permit and review in 3 months. (Approved)
Commissioner Roberts requested code enforcement follow-up on removal of the red paint on the palm trees at the 7-Eleven on Vista Chino Road. He commented on the immense size of the "for lease" signs at the Albertsons Shopping Center on Sunrise Way and Vista Chino Road and other locations.
Commissioner Munger reported that she would not be in attendance for the next regular meeting.
No items were reported.
There being no further comments the Planning Commission adjourned at 3:02 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 25, 2012, City Hall, Council Chamber, 3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way.
Jan 11, 2012 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Chair Donenfeld called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
Roll Call: 6 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
The agenda was available for public access at the City Hall exterior bulletin board (west side of Council Chamber) and the Planning Services counter by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 5, 2012. A posting of this Agenda was also posed on the City’s website at:
The agenda was accepted, as presented.
Chair Donenfeld opened public comments:
-Jerrold Thompson, pastor, Hope Community Seventh-Day Adventist Church, commented that he and his colleagues are working closely with the Inland Congregation United for Change (ICUC) to review zoning regulations pertaining to religious institutions and requested further dialogue with the Commission.
-Chris Courtney, spoke in reference to Item 2B, explained that the applicant no longer owns the property and requested deletion of condition of approval #32 and #33 pertaining to the requirement to the undergrounding of overhead utilities.
-John Daglia, representing Rite Aid Corporation, explained that illuminated signs #6 and# 7 are directional and will provide customers accessibility to the pick-up window.
There being no further appearances public comments was closed.
1A. Minutes of December 14, 2011.
Motion to To approve minutes of December 14, 2011. Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to To approve minutes of December 14, 2011. (Approved)
1B. Case 5.1160 AMND PDD 341 / TPM 35989 AMND - Resolution of denial of an amendment to PDD 341 "Vivante" assisted living facility.
Motion to To adopt the resolution of denial. Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to To adopt the resolution of denial. (Approved)
2A. Case SP 10-006 AMEND - A request by Rite Aid for a sign program amendment to allow additional accessory and directional signage for the pharmacy building located at 111 South Sunrise Way, Zone RA, Section 14. (Project Planner: David A. Newell, Associate Planner)
David A. Newell, Associate Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated January 11, 2012.
Vice Chair Hudson spoke in opposition of the excessive size and illumination of sign nos. 6 and 7.
Commissioner Conrad commented that the signs are excessive in size in comparison to the massing of the building; and noted that she would consider a compromise for additional directional, illuminated signage if a reduction in the existing large signs is made.
Commissioner Roberts concurred with the Commission and suggested a reduction in size and non-illumination for the directional signage.
Vice Chair Hudon and Commissioner Munger expressed a preference for sign no. 7 to be changed to a pole-mounted sign and relocated to the Tahquitz Canyon Way entryway.
Commissioner Klatchko commented that he is not necessarily oppossed to illumination of the signs.
Commissioner Munger noted the "temporary" appearance of sign no. 10 and expressed a preference for a more permanent sign.
Motion to To continue to a date certain of February 8, 2012, to allow the applicant to address concerns from the Commission and make changes to the sign program amendment. Moved by Tracy Conrad, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to To continue to a date certain of February 8, 2012, to allow the applicant to address concerns from the Commission and make changes to the sign program amendment. (Approved)
2B. PDD 267-TM 31525 - A request by K. Hovnanian Companies to waive obligations to perform utility undergrounding as required by the Municipal Code and approved conditions of approval for the Four Seasons Development within Tract 31525 located at the East side of Sunrise Way and Whitewater Wash, Zone PD 267, Section 36. (Edward O. Robertson, Principal Planner)
Edward O. Robertson, Principal Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated January 11, 2012.
Marcus Fuller, Assistant Director of Public Works, provided background information on the conditions of approval for Tentative Tract Map 31525; noting that the City reduced the development standards (increased density) to facilitate their proposed development.
Commissioner Klatchko commented on the developer’s trade-off to allow for more density for the required open-space.
Motion to To deny the request to waive the applicant’s obligations to perform utility undergrounding at the Four Seasons Development within Tract 31525. Moved by Leslie Munger, seconded by Tracy Conrad.
Vote to To deny the request to waive the applicant’s obligations to perform utility undergrounding at the Four Seasons Development within Tract 31525. (Approved)
3A. Case 5.1255 CUP AMEND - A request by Desert Sun Center / The Center for an amendment to an existing Conditional Use Permit to change the day and hours of operation for the existing food bank and distribution facility at 610 South Belardo Road, Zone PD-77, Section 22. (Project Planner: David A. Newell, Associate Planner)
David A. Newell, Associate Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated January 11, 2012.
Chairman Donenfeld opened the public hearing:
-John O’Conner, executive director, commented that a total 12,729 people were served in 2011 with grocery supplies; noting that poverty and unemployment have greatly affected the need in the community. He commented that they are acting on a request from the Canyons HOA and Historic Tennis Club to change the distribution day to provide less disruption to the neighborhood.
-Steve Seger, program & operations manager, provided an overview on the day-to-day management and operation of the distribution facility.
-Kathy Adams, The Canyons HOA, president, spoke about the disruptive behavior of the people that gather on Sunday mornings. She requested reconsideration of this site for the distribution center.
-Frank Tysen, Historic Tennis Club Neighborhood Organization, chairman, expressed concern that the 6 month performance review that was imposed on the distrubtion center and was never conducted and commented on the numerous complaints that have been received.
-John O’Conner, spoke about their committment to improve the operation of the distribution center.
There being no further appearances the public hearing was closed.
The Commission commented and/or discussed:
-The late hours of operation would be inconvenient for seniors and disabled persons;
-Additional lighting may be required for food distrubtion during the evening hours;
-The traffic impact resulting from construction of the Belardo Bridge project;
-Distrubtion of food supplies by appointment during the afternoon hours;
-Managing the large crowds, traffic, noise and loitering;
-Distrubtion of food supplies in a two-day process to help alleviate the congestion and limit to the afternoon hours;
Associate Planner Newell clarified that a 6-month review was not imposed by the City Council.
Commissioner Klathcko spoke in favor of allowing the applicant to make the changes and follow-up with a 90-day review.
Vice Chair Hudson noted that the adjacent tenants and landlord would be opposed to the afternoon hours and spoke in favor of splitting up the distribution into two days with a 90 day review.
Motion to To approve the amendment to the Conditional Use Permit to change the day and hours of operation from Sunday mornings between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. to Thursday evenings between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.; and to conduct a public hearing to open the Conditional Use Permit and review in 3 months. Moved by Philip Klatchko, seconded by Tracy Conrad.
Vote to To approve the amendment to the Conditional Use Permit to change the day and hours of operation from Sunday mornings between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. to Thursday evenings between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.; and to conduct a public hearing to open the Conditional Use Permit and review in 3 months. (Approved)
Commissioner Roberts requested code enforcement follow-up on removal of the red paint on the palm trees at the 7-Eleven on Vista Chino Road. He commented on the immense size of the "for lease" signs at the Albertsons Shopping Center on Sunrise Way and Vista Chino Road and other locations.
Commissioner Munger reported that she would not be in attendance for the next regular meeting.
No items were reported.
There being no further comments the Planning Commission adjourned at 3:02 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 25, 2012, City Hall, Council Chamber, 3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way.
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