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Chairman Donenfeld called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
Roll Call: 5 members present, 1 members absent, 0 members excused.
REPORT OF POSTING OF AGENDA: The agenda was available for public access at the City Hall exterior bulletin board (west side of Council Chamber) and the Planning Services counter by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 17, 2011.
Commissioner Klatchko noted his abstention on Item 1B due to a business-related conflict of interest.
Commissioner Munger noted her abstention on the minutes of November 9, 2011.
Director Ewing requested Item 2A be moved to the end of the agenda.
Commissioner Conrad requested Item 1B pulled from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion.
Motion to To accept the agenda, as noted. Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Tracy Conrad.
Vote to To accept the agenda, as noted. (Approved)
Chair Donenfeld opened public comments:
-Jim Cross, Best Signs, introduced a sign application and hotel repaint as two separate applications for the Saguaro Hotel that will be coming before the Planning Commission at a later time.
-Peter Stamberg, Stamberg Aferiat Architecture, briefly introduced the color selection for the interior and exterior of the courtyard at the Saguaro Hotel. He invited the Commission to come and see the full-sized mock up at the hotel courtyard.
-Frank Tysen, vice-chairman, Historic Tennis Club Neighborhood Organization, expressed concern with illegal signs and inappropriate sign applications in the community and reiterated the importance of the sign ordinance.
There being no further appearances public comments was closed.
1A. Minutes of November 9, 2011.
Motion to To approve, minutes of November 9, 2011. Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Tracy Conrad.
Vote to To approve, minutes of November 9, 2011. (Approved)
1B. Case 5.1042 PD 311 - A request for a one (1) year time extension for a previously approved mixed-use project consisting of a residential, commercial, and recreational facilities located at 450-490 South Palm Canyon Drive, Zone CBD, Section 15. (Project Planner: Glenn Mlaker, Assistant Planner)
Commissioner Klatchko left the Council Chamber at 1:46 p.m.
Glenn Mlaker, Assistant Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated November 22, 2011.
Mr. Mlaker stated that staff has worked with Code Enforcement to address the property maintenance issues and noted that new tenants have moved into vacant spaces.
Director Ewing confirmed to the Commission that the Planning and Engineering Department concluded that the Traffic Analysis is still an adequate reflection of both the current condition and anticipated future conditions.
Motion to To approve a one (1) year time extension for PD 311 from October 25, 2011 to October 24, 2012. Moved by Chair Donenfeld, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to To approve a one (1) year time extension for PD 311 from October 25, 2011 to October 24, 2012. (Approved)
3A. Case 5.1237 GPA PD 357 - An application by Tappan Enterprises, LLC for a General Plan Amendment and a Planned Development District in lieu of Change of Zone for a proposed assisted living facility with landscaping and off-street subterranean parking on an approximate 1.43 acre parcel located at 1000 North Palm Canyon Drive, Zone R-3 / C-1, Section 10. (Project Planner: Ken Lyon, Associate Planner)
Commissioner Munger left the Council Chamber at 1:56 p.m. due to a conflict of interest.
Director Ewing provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated November 22, 2011.
Chairman Donenfeld opened the public hearing:
-Chris Sahlin, project architect, addressed several features of the redesign including the commercial retail frontage (on Palm Canyon), pedestrian walkways and entryway, Indian Canyon Way elevations and the architectural elements of the building.
-Charlie Mader, adjacent property manager, expressed concern with the lack of commercial/retail to this area and encouraged more pedestrian foot traffic.
-Marna Van Horn, representing Palm Springs Economic Development Corporation (PSEDC), spoke in favor of the changes made to the project; noting that the public bistro and fitness center would be an asset to the future tenants and residents of the community.
-Tom Holderman, owner, Canyon Club Hotel, expressed concern that the neighborhood was not contacted for their input and noted that the project architect assured them that a wall would be built to protect their privacy.
-Tom Searis, applicant, clarified that the proposed facility would be a wellness center with a holistic approach for the community. He emphasized the projet’s commitment in working with the neighborhood.
There being no further appearances the Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Conrad spoke in favor of the project redesign and complemented the applicant for incorporatiing all of the Commission’s concerns.
Motion to To adopt the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration, approve the preliminary PDD and recommend approval of the General Plan Amendment to the City Council. Moved by Philip Klatchko, seconded by Tracy Conrad.
Vote to To adopt the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration, approve the preliminary PDD and recommend approval of the General Plan Amendment to the City Council. (Approved)
Commissioner Munger returned to the dais at 2:52 p.m.
3B. Case 5.1268 CUP / 6.525 VAR - An application by WKN Wagner, LLC, to install and operate two new 3-megawatts (MW) wind energy conversion systems (WECS) on an approximate 26-acre parcel and a variance request to increase the maximum height and setback requirements located at 18510 Karen Avenue, Zone E-1, Section 15. (Project Planner: Edward O. Robertson, Principal Planner)
Edward O. Robertson, Principal Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated November 22, 2011.
The Commission requested staff provide clarification on the recommended amended Planning and Engineering Conditions presented at their meeting.
Chair Donenfeld opened the public hearing:
-Fred Noble, Wintec Energy (property owners), provided background history on the inception of renewable energy to the community. He addressed the request for allowing the increased height for the proposed wind towers.
-Frank Tysen, expressed concern with the increased height, red flashing lights and the large quantity of wind machines in this area.
-Fred Noble, applicant rebuttal, noted that the project site is located within the E-I (Energy Industrial) zone.
There being no further appearances the Public Hearing was closed.
The Commission commented and/or discussed the request for taller wind turbines to accomodate the new advanced technology.
Motion to
To adopt the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration, approve the preliminary PDD and recommend approval of the General Plan Amendment to the City Council, with the following revisions:
if applicable, and subject to the approval of the Director of Planning Services
, the permittee shall obtain Wind Access Waivers from any affected adjoining properties.
-PLN12. PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION APPROVAL, a secure six (6) foot high fence,
shall be erected around the wind turbine generator and meteorological tower
and shall be maintained at all times during the life of this permit.
The fence shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Planning Services. Final design and locations for fencing may be modified with approval by the Planning Department.
-ENG 3. The applicant
or responsible party
shall apply for an Encroachment License for installation of private underground utilities within the public right-way of
. The application for the Encroachment License shall be approved by the City Council prior to issuance of permits related to the utility lines.
-Delete ENG 16.
-Delete ENG 19.
-ENG 23.
Unless otherwise waived by the City Engineer,
in accordance with City of
Palm Springs Municipal Code
, Section 8.50.022 (h), the applicant shall post with the City a cash bond of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per disturbed acre at the time of issuance of grading permit for mitigation measures for erosion/blowsand relating to this property and development.
-Delete ENG 27.
-ENG 35. This property is subject to the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Local Development Mitigation fee (CVMSHCP-LDMF). The LDMF shall be paid prior to
issuance of Building Permit
final inspection.
Moved by Tracy Conrad, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to
To adopt the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration, approve the preliminary PDD and recommend approval of the General Plan Amendment to the City Council, with the following revisions:
if applicable, and subject to the approval of the Director of Planning Services
, the permittee shall obtain Wind Access Waivers from any affected adjoining properties.
-PLN12. PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION APPROVAL, a secure six (6) foot high fence,
shall be erected around the wind turbine generator and meteorological tower
and shall be maintained at all times during the life of this permit.
The fence shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Planning Services. Final design and locations for fencing may be modified with approval by the Planning Department.
-ENG 3. The applicant
or responsible party
shall apply for an Encroachment License for installation of private underground utilities within the public right-way of
. The application for the Encroachment License shall be approved by the City Council prior to issuance of permits related to the utility lines.
-Delete ENG 16.
-Delete ENG 19.
-ENG 23.
Unless otherwise waived by the City Engineer,
in accordance with City of
Palm Springs Municipal Code
, Section 8.50.022 (h), the applicant shall post with the City a cash bond of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per disturbed acre at the time of issuance of grading permit for mitigation measures for erosion/blowsand relating to this property and development.
-Delete ENG 27.
-ENG 35. This property is subject to the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Local Development Mitigation fee (CVMSHCP-LDMF). The LDMF shall be paid prior to
issuance of Building Permit
final inspection.
2A. Palm Springs Zoning Code - Initiation of an Amendment to Chapter 94.00 to Allow the Director of Planning Services to Refer Certain Applications to the Planning Commission
Director Ewing provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated November 22, 2011.
The Commission discussed and/or commented on the administrative process for reviewing applications at staff level and the merits of referring applications to the Planning Commission.
Motion to To direct staff to schedule a public hearing and prepare a draft ordinance to amend certain sections of Chapter 94.00 related to Director Referral of Land Use Permits, Minor Architectural Approvals and Administrative Minor Modifications. Moved by Chair Donenfeld, seconded by Tracy Conrad.
Vote to To direct staff to schedule a public hearing and prepare a draft ordinance to amend certain sections of Chapter 94.00 related to Director Referral of Land Use Permits, Minor Architectural Approvals and Administrative Minor Modifications. (Approved)
Commissioner Klatchko requested staff address the Commission’s role for Ex Parte Communication.
Commissioner Munger suggested staff provide a 400 and 500 foot radius map to the Commission to identify potential conflicts of interest.
Director Ewing reported the next City Council meeting on December 7, 2011. He provided an update on the upcoming projects for Planning Commission review.
There being no further comments, the Planning Commission adjourned at 3:40 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14, 2011, City Hall, Council Chamber, 3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way.
Nov 22, 2011 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Chairman Donenfeld called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
Roll Call: 5 members present, 1 members absent, 0 members excused.
REPORT OF POSTING OF AGENDA: The agenda was available for public access at the City Hall exterior bulletin board (west side of Council Chamber) and the Planning Services counter by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 17, 2011.
Commissioner Klatchko noted his abstention on Item 1B due to a business-related conflict of interest.
Commissioner Munger noted her abstention on the minutes of November 9, 2011.
Director Ewing requested Item 2A be moved to the end of the agenda.
Commissioner Conrad requested Item 1B pulled from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion.
Motion to To accept the agenda, as noted. Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Tracy Conrad.
Vote to To accept the agenda, as noted. (Approved)
Chair Donenfeld opened public comments:
-Jim Cross, Best Signs, introduced a sign application and hotel repaint as two separate applications for the Saguaro Hotel that will be coming before the Planning Commission at a later time.
-Peter Stamberg, Stamberg Aferiat Architecture, briefly introduced the color selection for the interior and exterior of the courtyard at the Saguaro Hotel. He invited the Commission to come and see the full-sized mock up at the hotel courtyard.
-Frank Tysen, vice-chairman, Historic Tennis Club Neighborhood Organization, expressed concern with illegal signs and inappropriate sign applications in the community and reiterated the importance of the sign ordinance.
There being no further appearances public comments was closed.
1A. Minutes of November 9, 2011.
Motion to To approve, minutes of November 9, 2011. Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Tracy Conrad.
Vote to To approve, minutes of November 9, 2011. (Approved)
1B. Case 5.1042 PD 311 - A request for a one (1) year time extension for a previously approved mixed-use project consisting of a residential, commercial, and recreational facilities located at 450-490 South Palm Canyon Drive, Zone CBD, Section 15. (Project Planner: Glenn Mlaker, Assistant Planner)
Commissioner Klatchko left the Council Chamber at 1:46 p.m.
Glenn Mlaker, Assistant Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated November 22, 2011.
Mr. Mlaker stated that staff has worked with Code Enforcement to address the property maintenance issues and noted that new tenants have moved into vacant spaces.
Director Ewing confirmed to the Commission that the Planning and Engineering Department concluded that the Traffic Analysis is still an adequate reflection of both the current condition and anticipated future conditions.
Motion to To approve a one (1) year time extension for PD 311 from October 25, 2011 to October 24, 2012. Moved by Chair Donenfeld, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to To approve a one (1) year time extension for PD 311 from October 25, 2011 to October 24, 2012. (Approved)
3A. Case 5.1237 GPA PD 357 - An application by Tappan Enterprises, LLC for a General Plan Amendment and a Planned Development District in lieu of Change of Zone for a proposed assisted living facility with landscaping and off-street subterranean parking on an approximate 1.43 acre parcel located at 1000 North Palm Canyon Drive, Zone R-3 / C-1, Section 10. (Project Planner: Ken Lyon, Associate Planner)
Commissioner Munger left the Council Chamber at 1:56 p.m. due to a conflict of interest.
Director Ewing provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated November 22, 2011.
Chairman Donenfeld opened the public hearing:
-Chris Sahlin, project architect, addressed several features of the redesign including the commercial retail frontage (on Palm Canyon), pedestrian walkways and entryway, Indian Canyon Way elevations and the architectural elements of the building.
-Charlie Mader, adjacent property manager, expressed concern with the lack of commercial/retail to this area and encouraged more pedestrian foot traffic.
-Marna Van Horn, representing Palm Springs Economic Development Corporation (PSEDC), spoke in favor of the changes made to the project; noting that the public bistro and fitness center would be an asset to the future tenants and residents of the community.
-Tom Holderman, owner, Canyon Club Hotel, expressed concern that the neighborhood was not contacted for their input and noted that the project architect assured them that a wall would be built to protect their privacy.
-Tom Searis, applicant, clarified that the proposed facility would be a wellness center with a holistic approach for the community. He emphasized the projet’s commitment in working with the neighborhood.
There being no further appearances the Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Conrad spoke in favor of the project redesign and complemented the applicant for incorporatiing all of the Commission’s concerns.
Motion to To adopt the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration, approve the preliminary PDD and recommend approval of the General Plan Amendment to the City Council. Moved by Philip Klatchko, seconded by Tracy Conrad.
Vote to To adopt the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration, approve the preliminary PDD and recommend approval of the General Plan Amendment to the City Council. (Approved)
Commissioner Munger returned to the dais at 2:52 p.m.
3B. Case 5.1268 CUP / 6.525 VAR - An application by WKN Wagner, LLC, to install and operate two new 3-megawatts (MW) wind energy conversion systems (WECS) on an approximate 26-acre parcel and a variance request to increase the maximum height and setback requirements located at 18510 Karen Avenue, Zone E-1, Section 15. (Project Planner: Edward O. Robertson, Principal Planner)
Edward O. Robertson, Principal Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated November 22, 2011.
The Commission requested staff provide clarification on the recommended amended Planning and Engineering Conditions presented at their meeting.
Chair Donenfeld opened the public hearing:
-Fred Noble, Wintec Energy (property owners), provided background history on the inception of renewable energy to the community. He addressed the request for allowing the increased height for the proposed wind towers.
-Frank Tysen, expressed concern with the increased height, red flashing lights and the large quantity of wind machines in this area.
-Fred Noble, applicant rebuttal, noted that the project site is located within the E-I (Energy Industrial) zone.
There being no further appearances the Public Hearing was closed.
The Commission commented and/or discussed the request for taller wind turbines to accomodate the new advanced technology.
Motion to
To adopt the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration, approve the preliminary PDD and recommend approval of the General Plan Amendment to the City Council, with the following revisions:
if applicable, and subject to the approval of the Director of Planning Services
, the permittee shall obtain Wind Access Waivers from any affected adjoining properties.
-PLN12. PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION APPROVAL, a secure six (6) foot high fence,
shall be erected around the wind turbine generator and meteorological tower
and shall be maintained at all times during the life of this permit.
The fence shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Planning Services. Final design and locations for fencing may be modified with approval by the Planning Department.
-ENG 3. The applicant
or responsible party
shall apply for an Encroachment License for installation of private underground utilities within the public right-way of
. The application for the Encroachment License shall be approved by the City Council prior to issuance of permits related to the utility lines.
-Delete ENG 16.
-Delete ENG 19.
-ENG 23.
Unless otherwise waived by the City Engineer,
in accordance with City of
Palm Springs Municipal Code
, Section 8.50.022 (h), the applicant shall post with the City a cash bond of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per disturbed acre at the time of issuance of grading permit for mitigation measures for erosion/blowsand relating to this property and development.
-Delete ENG 27.
-ENG 35. This property is subject to the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Local Development Mitigation fee (CVMSHCP-LDMF). The LDMF shall be paid prior to
issuance of Building Permit
final inspection.
Moved by Tracy Conrad, seconded by Leslie Munger.
Vote to
To adopt the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration, approve the preliminary PDD and recommend approval of the General Plan Amendment to the City Council, with the following revisions:
if applicable, and subject to the approval of the Director of Planning Services
, the permittee shall obtain Wind Access Waivers from any affected adjoining properties.
-PLN12. PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION APPROVAL, a secure six (6) foot high fence,
shall be erected around the wind turbine generator and meteorological tower
and shall be maintained at all times during the life of this permit.
The fence shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Planning Services. Final design and locations for fencing may be modified with approval by the Planning Department.
-ENG 3. The applicant
or responsible party
shall apply for an Encroachment License for installation of private underground utilities within the public right-way of
. The application for the Encroachment License shall be approved by the City Council prior to issuance of permits related to the utility lines.
-Delete ENG 16.
-Delete ENG 19.
-ENG 23.
Unless otherwise waived by the City Engineer,
in accordance with City of
Palm Springs Municipal Code
, Section 8.50.022 (h), the applicant shall post with the City a cash bond of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per disturbed acre at the time of issuance of grading permit for mitigation measures for erosion/blowsand relating to this property and development.
-Delete ENG 27.
-ENG 35. This property is subject to the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Local Development Mitigation fee (CVMSHCP-LDMF). The LDMF shall be paid prior to
issuance of Building Permit
final inspection.
2A. Palm Springs Zoning Code - Initiation of an Amendment to Chapter 94.00 to Allow the Director of Planning Services to Refer Certain Applications to the Planning Commission
Director Ewing provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated November 22, 2011.
The Commission discussed and/or commented on the administrative process for reviewing applications at staff level and the merits of referring applications to the Planning Commission.
Motion to To direct staff to schedule a public hearing and prepare a draft ordinance to amend certain sections of Chapter 94.00 related to Director Referral of Land Use Permits, Minor Architectural Approvals and Administrative Minor Modifications. Moved by Chair Donenfeld, seconded by Tracy Conrad.
Vote to To direct staff to schedule a public hearing and prepare a draft ordinance to amend certain sections of Chapter 94.00 related to Director Referral of Land Use Permits, Minor Architectural Approvals and Administrative Minor Modifications. (Approved)
Commissioner Klatchko requested staff address the Commission’s role for Ex Parte Communication.
Commissioner Munger suggested staff provide a 400 and 500 foot radius map to the Commission to identify potential conflicts of interest.
Director Ewing reported the next City Council meeting on December 7, 2011. He provided an update on the upcoming projects for Planning Commission review.
There being no further comments, the Planning Commission adjourned at 3:40 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14, 2011, City Hall, Council Chamber, 3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way.
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