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Chair Donenfeld called the meeting to order 1:30 p.m.
Roll Call: 5 members present, 1 members absent, 0 members excused.
The agenda was available for public access at the City Hall exterior bulletin board (west side of Council Chamber) and the Planning Services counter by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 3, 2011.
The agenda was accepted, as presented.
Chair Donenfeld opened public comments; and with no appearances coming forward public comments was closed.
Motion to To approve Items 1A and 1B, as part of the Consent Calendar. Moved by Philip Klatchko, seconded by J.R. Roberts.
Vote to To approve Items 1A and 1B, as part of the Consent Calendar. (Approved)
1A. Minutes of October 26, 2011.
Approved, as part of the Consent Calendar.
1B. Case SP 11-010 Sign Program - A request by 7-Eleven to implement a sign program for the multi-tenant commercial building located 150 West Vista Chino Road, Zone C-1 & R-3, Section 3. (Project Planner: David A. Newell, Associate Planner)
Approved, as part of the Consent Calendar.
2A. Case 5.1171 AMND PD 351 / TTM 35544 - A request to amend a previously approved Planned Development District to add Timeshare Condominium Hotel uses to the list of permitted uses in the PDD for a 12-unit condominium project on approximately 0.73 acres located at 588 San Lorenzo Road. (Project Planner: Ken Lyon, Associate Planner)
Ken Lyon, Associate Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated November 9, 2011.
Chair Donenfeld opened public comments:
-Lance Robutz, project manager, was available for questions from the Commission.
There being no further comments public comments was closed.
Commissioner Klatchko requested staff address the impact the time-share use would have on the surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Lyon explained the time-share use is comparable to vacation rentals allowed for the condominium use and staff found no noticeable impacts to the neighborhood.
The Commission discussed the increase in traffic and use for time-share occupancy and the required conditions for condominum use.
Vice Chair Hudson noted that this area is mostly transient use and the time-share use is compatible with the neighborhood.
Motion to To approve preliminary and final development plans for Case 5.1171 PD351 AMND and recommend approval to the City Council, subject to Conditions of Approval.
Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Vice Chair Hudson.
Vote to To approve preliminary and final development plans for Case 5.1171 PD351 AMND and recommend approval to the City Council, subject to Conditions of Approval.
Commissioner Klatchko requested clarification on the sign ordinance relating to size of signs.
Commissioner Conrad requested staff follow-up on the three following locations:
1. The granite and marble repaint of the architectural element at the KFC Restaurant on Sunny Dunes and Palm Canyon Drive.
2. Building repaint of a 1960’s modern building on Palm Canyon Drive (across the street from Stein Mart).
3. A dead palm tree adjacent to the Rite Aid store on Sunrise Way.
Commissioner Klatchko brought up an article on the changes made to the traffic median for the Morrison Development median on Alejo Road and Avenida Caballeros. Director Ewing provided background information on the conditions of the map for the construction of the median and the applicant’s request to delete the median.
Commissioner Klatchko reported a "no parking sign" without a red curb directly adjacent to the Morrrison project on the south side of Avenida Caballeros.
Commissioner Roberts requested an update on the changes to the former Santa Fe Federal Federal building. Director Ewing explained the modifications to the exterior and interior of the building.
Director Ewing reported that the City Council will be reviewing a Sign District application for the Springs Center and a Mills Act Historic Site for the Frank Sinatra Estate on November 16, 2011. He reminded the Commission of their next scheduled meeting for Tuesday, November 22, 2011.
There being no further comments the Planning Commission adjourned at 2:04 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 22, 2011, City Hall, Council Chamber, 3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way.
Nov 09, 2011 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Chair Donenfeld called the meeting to order 1:30 p.m.
Roll Call: 5 members present, 1 members absent, 0 members excused.
The agenda was available for public access at the City Hall exterior bulletin board (west side of Council Chamber) and the Planning Services counter by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 3, 2011.
The agenda was accepted, as presented.
Chair Donenfeld opened public comments; and with no appearances coming forward public comments was closed.
Motion to To approve Items 1A and 1B, as part of the Consent Calendar. Moved by Philip Klatchko, seconded by J.R. Roberts.
Vote to To approve Items 1A and 1B, as part of the Consent Calendar. (Approved)
1A. Minutes of October 26, 2011.
Approved, as part of the Consent Calendar.
1B. Case SP 11-010 Sign Program - A request by 7-Eleven to implement a sign program for the multi-tenant commercial building located 150 West Vista Chino Road, Zone C-1 & R-3, Section 3. (Project Planner: David A. Newell, Associate Planner)
Approved, as part of the Consent Calendar.
2A. Case 5.1171 AMND PD 351 / TTM 35544 - A request to amend a previously approved Planned Development District to add Timeshare Condominium Hotel uses to the list of permitted uses in the PDD for a 12-unit condominium project on approximately 0.73 acres located at 588 San Lorenzo Road. (Project Planner: Ken Lyon, Associate Planner)
Ken Lyon, Associate Planner, provided background information as outlined in the staff report dated November 9, 2011.
Chair Donenfeld opened public comments:
-Lance Robutz, project manager, was available for questions from the Commission.
There being no further comments public comments was closed.
Commissioner Klatchko requested staff address the impact the time-share use would have on the surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Lyon explained the time-share use is comparable to vacation rentals allowed for the condominium use and staff found no noticeable impacts to the neighborhood.
The Commission discussed the increase in traffic and use for time-share occupancy and the required conditions for condominum use.
Vice Chair Hudson noted that this area is mostly transient use and the time-share use is compatible with the neighborhood.
Motion to To approve preliminary and final development plans for Case 5.1171 PD351 AMND and recommend approval to the City Council, subject to Conditions of Approval.
Moved by J.R. Roberts, seconded by Vice Chair Hudson.
Vote to To approve preliminary and final development plans for Case 5.1171 PD351 AMND and recommend approval to the City Council, subject to Conditions of Approval.
Commissioner Klatchko requested clarification on the sign ordinance relating to size of signs.
Commissioner Conrad requested staff follow-up on the three following locations:
1. The granite and marble repaint of the architectural element at the KFC Restaurant on Sunny Dunes and Palm Canyon Drive.
2. Building repaint of a 1960’s modern building on Palm Canyon Drive (across the street from Stein Mart).
3. A dead palm tree adjacent to the Rite Aid store on Sunrise Way.
Commissioner Klatchko brought up an article on the changes made to the traffic median for the Morrison Development median on Alejo Road and Avenida Caballeros. Director Ewing provided background information on the conditions of the map for the construction of the median and the applicant’s request to delete the median.
Commissioner Klatchko reported a "no parking sign" without a red curb directly adjacent to the Morrrison project on the south side of Avenida Caballeros.
Commissioner Roberts requested an update on the changes to the former Santa Fe Federal Federal building. Director Ewing explained the modifications to the exterior and interior of the building.
Director Ewing reported that the City Council will be reviewing a Sign District application for the Springs Center and a Mills Act Historic Site for the Frank Sinatra Estate on November 16, 2011. He reminded the Commission of their next scheduled meeting for Tuesday, November 22, 2011.
There being no further comments the Planning Commission adjourned at 2:04 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 22, 2011, City Hall, Council Chamber, 3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way.
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